THE TRANSFORMING LAHORE: An Atlas of the Urban Movements

KEY WORDS: Anarkali, Citizen Commotion, Urban Narrative, Co-producing Identity, Ecologies of Connectivity

The opposing problematic scenario inculcated in the city originates from the global strings that have pulled on the resources of the country and driven out capitalized advantages for their own expansions. This slowly transcends itself into the realities of the national dilemmas of the political confusion induced by very personalized agendas of individuals in the decision making processes that have steered Pakistan’s urban policies into irrelevant tangents. The situational juxtaposition of these elements of change in the history of Lahore have fabricated the urban scape in the heart of the city today. One of such places is the glorious Anarkali Bazaar which paints a very intrinsic picture of history, culture and local knowledge that exists as an effervescing vessel of a constantly moving narrative.

This project is probing into the depths of these contradictory realities using the indicators of social infrastructure and community uplift. The aim of the project is to create a meshwork of connections that co-produces the citizen identity, establishes the local ties of the community and develops a network of resources for Anarkali. The armature of the design strategy is organized in three phases of interventions: an engaging assemblage of the categorized components extracted from Anarkali, an activation phase of spatializing and co-producing the connectivities within the public realm and a projection of these linkages towards the larger ecology of the city of Lahore. The process of the project was initiated through a theoretical and a spatial analysis of the current development projects in Lahore focusing on the $1.6 billion CPEC led Orange Metro Line Project. This unfolded into a convergence of a densely problematic neighborhood, Anarkali, leading into a micro study of its community and the social fractures of the urban narratives which exposed a pattern of the disruptions induced by the development capital. Using this premise the project attempts to draw connections within these polarities and intersections of the urban ecology of Anarkali and then reiterate the patterns for the city of enablers

The atlas provides a detailed analysis to the premise of the research underpinning using data sources from UN Habitat, Open Street Map and the open data resources of Pakistan.